Sabtu, 07 November 2009

Goo Hye Sun @ SOUP FS Event (11/06/09)

English Translation from

Few interesting fan accounts for the Nov. 6, 2009 Soup Fan signing event at the Lotte Dept Store in Young Deung Po, Seoul at 2PM but started at 2:15 or 2:20 PM.

All credit to DCinside.

She saw how pretty she is yet so thin--face is so small and her legs are like bird legs.
She put it in a letter wishing her to keep healthy as she crank into her movie.
She says GHS was smiling from beginning to end and very polite.
She wanted to say and talk so much with GHS and as soon as she stood in front of her her head just became too hazy.

This fan points out an interesting event at the signing.
There were many students at the mall, especially male students.
They gathered together and shouted to GHS:

GHS laughed and so did the staff and all the fans.
Thanks kids!
(That is what the BOF staff yelled at GHS when she and LMH were so stressed out from the kissing scene at the ski lodge scene.)

Her eyes are so clear
When I look into them, I feel like I could fall into them.
But I still managed to make proper eye contact,
but no matter how many time I have seen them, I cannot remember...

This fan did ask when she is tarting the movie, GHS tolf her that it is delayed and will start in early December. Fan feels bad for GHS who will be working in the cold.

He is a college student with flexible schedule so he went to the event an hour early touring the Soup store which is for women. But he just looked at the catalogue with pictures of HS and waited. It was a weekday so not too many people. Few people waited with presents. The male student first in the line was a first grader in Junior HS. He was talking alot with the employees and fans saying how he plans to marry GHS noona and he will direct the signing affair. This fan thought him just too cute and too 4-D.

Due to some type of accident on the road, the sign event started 20 min.late. When the students started to use bad words, the older aunti fans scolded them. But nobody remembered being angry for the late start when they saw GHS coming down from the third floor escalator. He felt like he was witnessing an angel descending from heaven.

People were packed in that small space. Male students were telling her how pretty she is and some were calling her Geum Jandi. He and other male fans were captivated by her rustling skirt. When he came to his senses, it was time for him to get her signature. He told her that he did not make it in to her Birthday Party and wished her all the best. She said Thank You. Every time he has seen GHS, he always wonders if he is really looking at the real GHS or a doll of exact replica. That day he felt that her eyes were just so clear and deep like a lake that he sort of lost his balance.He said nothing happened.

Right after getting the signature, he got into a good corner to take her pictures. Taking pictures of entertainers were banned because of the fear that the pix may be used for illegal business purposes. But because she is so nice, she did not stop people from taking pix of her. He just took D-cal pix which would not qualify for using pix for bad purpose.

He also talked about these 10 male high school students who shouted .
Seeing GHS's happy, laughing face made him extremely happy to the point of having goose bumps. She lastly took pix with the staff of Soup and left. The male high school students followed GHS til the end. GHS was on her way to the evening part (Cinema Talk) of the AISFF.

GHS must have worn her short skirt suit without the scarf at the SOUP singing event.

'Lee Min Ho' akan mengadakan jumpa fans solo pertama

Lee Min Ho oppa as 'Goo Jun Pyo' akan mengadakan jumpa fans solo pertamanya di Jepang. Lee Min Ho oppa akan mengadakannya pada tanggal 22 Novembernya di Osaka dan pada tanggal 26 Novembernya di Tokyo. pada tanggal 22 November, jumpa fans akan diadakan di Osaka universal Studio Jepang, yang merupakan acara eksklusif untuk Lee Min Ho oppa.

pada tanggal 26 November, jumpa fans akan diadakan di Tokyo Shibuya, yang bertema “Minoz Japan First Event” dan Lee Min Ho oppa juga akan terus mengadakan jumpa fans di Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapura, dan Malaysia.

bisa dipastikan karena drama yang dimainkannya banyak disukai oleh penonton menyebabkan dia bisa seterkenal sekarang terutama dikawasan Asia.

Hadiah Untuk Lee Min Ho & Goo Hye Sun dari fans Malaysia

Aku menyukai cara fans Malaysia meminta Min Ho menyampaikan hadiah mereka ke Hye Sun.

Seakan itu sebagai garansi bahwa MinSun akan bertemu jika Min Ho menyampaikan hadiah itu secara personal

They also have almost "matching" gifts for Lee Min Ho.Mereka memberi hadiah untuk Hye Sun yang Matching dengan yang mereka berikan ke Min Ho.


Aku mau berbagi dengan semuanya

Ada beberapa hadiah yang aku dan temanku siapkan untuk ulang tahun Hye Sun.

Kami memberi hadiah itu saat Min Ho datang ke Malaysia tanggal 25-27/10/09

Hadiah dari fans Malaysia untuk Hye Sun :

a Malaysian traditional cloth (kebaya nyonya) and batik

a postcard, a moon keychain and letter 'H' keychain

Hadiah yang fans Malaysia untuk Min Ho :

a postcard with KL night and day sceneries.....
star keychain and letter 'M' keychain

a traditional Malay cloth (baju melayu) and kain pelikat.....

Kamis, 05 November 2009

Layanan Cinta Amal Goo Hye Sun

Headline : Goo Hye Sun memberi jasa cinta sementara artis lain menjual barang pribadi untuk dilelang

Korean Economy News 10-31/09 at 8:06 PM
HanKyung.combntNews Lee Hyun Ah Reporter

Goo Hye Sun akan berpartisipasi dalam Bazzar disponsori oleh kelompok layanan sukarelawan, Jasa dari Cinta, dengan menyumbang barang pribadi untuk dijual ke Fundraise.

Dalam acara ini, Goo Hye Sun ikut berpartisipasi, untuk mengumpulkan dana bagi sekolah setelah program untuk kepala keluarga yang masih remaja (remaja yang memiliki anak?) Dan untuk anak-anak berpenghasilan rendah. Berita BNT mensponsori acara dengan dukungan dari HyunDae Department Store. Bazzar akan berjalan dari tanggal 20 - 26 November 2009

GHS juga membantu dengan Kampanye visual untuk membantu anak-anak dan sebagai relawan untuk membantu tetangga yang kurang beruntung. Baru-baru ini, lagi-lagi Goo Hye Sun diam-diam menawarkan diri dengan tim relawan medis mengunjungi pusat anak-anak cacat dan menjadi malaikat pelindung bagi bayi dan anak-anak.

(Hei soompies, kami menemukan di situs korea bahwa dia memang pergi sebagai relawan untuk 24 Oktober. Saya kira kali ini ia bahkan tidak memungkinkan adanya kebocoran foto?)

Untuk acara Bazzar ini, Big Bang, 2NE1, GHS dan bintang lainnya akan menyumbangkan barang-barang pribadi mereka untuk lelang. Juga akan ada pemain bisbol Shin Choo Soo dan Wheesung untuk fansigning, pada saat yang sama. Semua yang dihasilkan untuk Layanan Cinta.

Layanan rekan Cinta sangat senang untuk acara ini yang akan memberikan layanan berharga meningkatkan kehidupan orang lain. Dia berdoa untuk kesuksesan dan banyak yang akan berpartisipasi.

(memuji untuk Prestasi dari Goo Hye Sun dalam kalimat ini.)

Lee Min Ho di Trugen

Trugen, merek pakaian pria juga tidak ketinggalan mengeluarkan koleksi terbaru mereka untuk musim dingin. dengan model Goo Jun Pyo ‘Lee Min Ho’ sunbae, mereka menggunakan konsep ‘James Bond’.

Selasa, 03 November 2009

Goo Hye Sun & Rain For Tous Les Jours PhotoShoot

Wah, ada photoshoots terbaru ni.. Sekadar Info buat fans Rain : Rain akan konser di Jakarta, JITEC Mangga Dua Square tanggal 3 December 2009 !!!!

Yang ini Goo Hye Sun sendiri :

Rain Konser ! Ticketing information is at: